Monday, November 26, 2012


it's been exactly two months since i've updated this little thing. in that time i've traveled to the states, gotten engaged, been to a great wedding and have taken heaps of photos. i'll start putting them up very very soon.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

saturday afternoon

it was such a beautiful day today - peter mowed the lawn and i watched encouragingly with the cat on the deck.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

friday night

spent friday night at the evelyn watching old friends blackchords finish off their national tour. good stuff - they're releasing their second album very soon.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

saturday night

i had some old friends over for drinks on saturday night; it's been over a year since we've all caught up and it's not hard to see how we're all suddenly grown ups. vanessa brought her two year son, nat's about to leave on a 2 month tour of nepal and india and sarah had to cancel because she's just bought a house with her partner.

don't ask what's happening in the last photo; it's very strange.

saturday morning

Sunday, August 19, 2012

sunday afternoon

our magnolia is flowering at the moment - it's my new favourite tree. peter went off to sing about the jungle on the radio and i took some photos of the tree that sits just outside our bedroom window. it looks much better against a blue sky; i don't think spring is quite here yet.

saturday afternoon

after a dismal afternoon at the football, harriet, alex, peter and myself had a few consoling beers at the wilde in fitzroy before peter had to go back to work.

Monday, August 13, 2012

monday morning

this morning was like a scene out of a thomas hardy novel: dew glistening on the grass and in spiderwebs, the sun rising over the lemon trees burning off the night fog that was lingering around the tops of the trees and the very first hints of spring were in the air. i'd start getting up earlier if it looked like this every day...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

saturday afternoon

with a nice weekend of absolutely no plans ahead of us, peter and caught a tram into the city to visit the national gallery. peter hates the city - who knows how he's going to get along with new york on those very brief few days we're visiting in october.

Friday, August 10, 2012

last week

i've been busy (slack) this week, hence the lack of detailed photography: peter turned 26, i ate dr pepper chicken wings (oh my god) and watched the sapphires with mum and hat.